Thursday, June 23, 2011

cosplay frenzy time for the pixie!!!!

so like any other dreamer type chick i love to dress up!!and the nerdiest way to do that is well.....COSPLAY!!!!!! wooooooo
my very first cosplay was of this crappy moogle and ffx-2 gunner yuna i did from clothes i found at home.but to me it wasnt worth being my first cause i really didnt make them from scratch like i wanted to.but i still had fun wearing them around a-kon.well a year later i finally got to do what i call cosplay(in my eyes) made my frist cosplay from fave dynasty warriors and final fantasy girls.DA QIAO AND RINOA WOOOOO.

i was happy the way they turned out and trust me it took me forever to get it right.i had to teach myself how to do every single detail for the costumes and i loved every a detail type of girl hahah.thats why i love dynasty warrior costumes so much.they are very detailed and gorgeous.thats why for my next big project im pushing myself to my limits and beyond because i love a challenge.
like i said in my last blog my friends and i are planning to go to England to London MCM Expo.i have to do soemthing big to represent my cosplay house Koei Fantasy and Tecmo Koei (cause my friends who we are visiting are repping that big TK)!!! im going to do a female version of dynasty warriors 7 Lu Bu and dynasty warriors 7 Zhen JI!!! the most badass man and fierce queen of Wei!!oh heck yeah its going to be one sexy summer.

for zhen ji im using leather,silk and various jems and jewels.
for lu bu im using leather and cotton and various feathers,wonderflex for the armor
im way excited about it
but this is me starting my cosplay career.
   i can fianlly start my Koei Fantasy Cosplay House and i already have customers who wish to have their dreams come true!!! and thats my lil motto/slogan hahah Koei Fantasy Cosplay House: Making your dreams come true :)

 im way excited about it can you tell.

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